A Tale of Contrasting Leadership: Lahore Corps Commander and Gujranwala Corps Commander in Pakistan

(By Tanveer Iqbal)


Leadership plays a crucial role in shaping the outcomes of critical situations. The recent events in Pakistan have highlighted the varying approaches and capabilities of leaders during moments of crisis. In this blog post, we will examine the contrasting experiences of the Lahore Corps Commander and the Gujranwala Corps Commander, focusing on a specific incident in Gujranwala Cantt. Moreover, we will explore the unsettling footage of Pakistan Army Lahore Corps Commander, Lt Gen. Salman Fayyaz Ghanni, as he faced a crowd of protesters at his official residence.

Gujranwala Cantt: A Show of Resilience:

In Gujranwala Cantt, a mob attempted to breach the premises, threatening the safety and security of the area. However, the response from the armed Military Police (MP) soldiers stationed there was swift and decisive. With only ten soldiers, they effectively pushed back the mob, forcing them to flee for their lives. This incident showcased the bravery, professionalism, and preparedness of the Gujranwala Corps Commander and his team, as they successfully protected the cantonment from the unruly protesters.Lt Gen Muhammad Aamer is working as corps Commander Gujranwala Corps since 2021.

The Lahore Corps Commander's Dilemma:

On the other hand, the situation in Lahore took a disturbing turn. A video circulating on the internet depicted the Lahore Corps Commander, Lt Gen. Salman Fayyaz Ghanni, pleading with a crowd of angry protesters not to set his official residence on fire. The footage captured a moment of vulnerability and helplessness, as the General appeared unable to control or defuse the situation. This incident has sparked criticism and raised questions about the preparedness and leadership skills of the Lahore Corps Commander.

Contrasting Leadership Styles:

The events in Gujranwala and Lahore reveal a stark contrast in leadership styles between the two commanders. In Gujranwala, the response was characterized by strength, resilience, and an efficient display of force. The Gujranwala Corps Commander exhibited effective command and control, leading to a successful containment of the situation.

However, in Lahore, the response seemed inadequate and unprepared. The Lahore Corps Commander's desperate plea to the protesters showcased a lack of command and control, leaving his official residence vulnerable to destruction. This incident raises concerns about the leadership's ability to handle crisis situations and protect vital institutions.

Importance of Leadership in Times of Crisis:

The incidents in Gujranwala and Lahore underscore the significance of strong leadership during times of crisis. Effective leaders should possess qualities such as decisiveness, composure, and the ability to adapt swiftly to changing circumstances. They must inspire confidence and maintain control over their teams, ensuring the safety and security of both personnel and assets.


Leadership plays a pivotal role in shaping the outcome of critical situations, as demonstrated by the events in Gujranwala and Lahore. The Gujranwala Corps Commander's team displayed bravery and professionalism, successfully repelling the mob and protecting the cantonment. In contrast, the footage of the Lahore Corps Commander pleading with protesters highlights a lack of effective leadership and command.

These incidents should serve as a reminder of the importance of selecting and cultivating strong leaders who can handle crisis situations with confidence and competence. It is crucial to assess leadership skills, decision-making abilities, and crisis management experience when entrusting individuals with high-ranking positions. By doing so, Pakistan can ensure a more secure and resilient future.

Disclaimer: The information presented in this blog post is based on the provided prompt and does not represent a comprehensive analysis of the individuals or events mentioned. The intention is to discuss the contrasting leadership styles and the significance of effective leadership during crisis situations.

Tanveer Iqbal is a senior Pakistani Journalist/writer & Blogger



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